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Taiwan Tree Care Materials and Recycled Wood Sustainable Brand


Tree health management


Trees, like humans, are integral components of ecosystems and undergo life cycles of birth, growth, aging, sickness, and death. To ensure the healthy growth of trees, besides providing ample sunlight, air, and water, regular pruning and minimizing pest infestations are also essential practices for tree care.

​Tree health issues

樹木健康問題甚為多樣,據林試所統計結果發現,病蟲危害、生育地不佳 及人為傷害等,是最普遍發生的問題。

Tree health problems are very diverse. According to statistics from the Forestry Research Institute, it is found that damage from diseases and insect pests, poor breeding sites, and human damage are the most common problems.

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病蟲危害Pests and diseases

生育地不佳Poor birthplace

人為傷害Man-made harm




To ensure the health of trees and achieve effective tree care, this design aligns with tree-friendly environmental concepts. Starting from environmental sustainability, we rebrand Taiwan's Tree Hospital, promoting the use of natural prevention methods and circular products. This initiative aims to evoke resonance in people for tree protection, promoting environmental sustainability through practical actions and realizing symbiosis with nature.


Tree medical


Natural control


Waste wood recycling

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Friendly environment


Environmental sustainability

Zero-Waste Packaging System

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Starting from environmental sustainability, we align our eco-friendly packaging design with the natural non-toxic ingredients of our products to reduce environmental pollution. We establish a zero-waste packaging system, allowing used packaging and product containers to be returned for recycling and reuse, thereby minimizing environmental impact and promoting a circular economy. Concurrently, we aim to enhance public awareness of tree health.

​Visual design


The overall design integrates three attributes—disease prevention, pest prevention, and soil nutrition—along with natural tree imagery. Transforming the natural textures of trees into aesthetically pleasing lines serves as the basis for visual creation. Additionally, designing images of diseases and pests aligns with product attributes. Through visual storytelling in packaging, we aim to enhance public awareness and concern for tree health, promoting sustainable engagement.



We aim to raise public awareness of tree health and promote the use of materials for tree disease and pest control, as well as recycled wood products. Depending on the product characteristics, we focus on disease repair, insect prevention, soil nourishment, and wood recycling. We use blue, yellow, orange, and green as our brand colors. We have developed a total of products including disease and insect-preventing tree health solutions in gift boxes, along with concentrated liquid sets, planting and nurturing soil gift boxes, natural wood vinegar, and themed publications. In our product packaging design, we prioritize environmental sustainability to ensure the ecological continuity and protection of trees. The publications are divided into three main themes, with the hope that the public can gain a deeper understanding of tree health crises and consequently care for the trees around them.

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Tree Disease and Pest Control Materials

波爾多保健液 Tree Health Solutions

|疾病修復|白粉病、葉斑病、 銹病、細菌性病害

亮光保健液 Tree Health Solutions

|昆蟲防治|螨類、蚜蟲、薊馬、介殼蟲、 粉蝨

植栽培養土 Planting Culture Soil

|土壤滋養|營養缺乏症、 結果不良、生長不良

Tree Disease and Pest Control Materials
Images of Diseases and Pests
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粉蝨 Aleyrodidae

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薊馬 Thysanoptera

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介殼蟲 Coccoidea

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蟎類 Mite

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蚜蟲 Aphidoidea

蟎類 Mite

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白粉病 Powdery

白粉病 PowderyMildew

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銹病 Rust

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細菌性病害 Bacterial

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葉班病 Leaf Spot Disease

Recycled Wood Products

天然木酢液 Natural Wood Vinegar


天然木酢液 Natural Wood Vinegar


天然木酢液 Natural Wood Vinegar


Packaging Design

包裝設計為實現環保目標,採用牛皮瓦楞紙板於內襯,透過可重複使用的束繩固定,方便在使用後將包裝材料分解並進行回收,牛皮紙封套的抽拉方式, 將樹木紋理轉化為線條美感於封套上,瓶器視覺為病蟲害圖像,與產品屬性做呼應。

To achieve our environmental goals in packaging design, we utilize corrugated kraft paperboard as the inner lining, secured with reusable twine for easy disassembly and recycling after use. The pull-out method of the kraft paper sleeve transforms tree textures into linear aesthetics, while visually representing pest and disease imagery on the bottle, aligning with the product's attributes.

透過樹木修枝回收製成的天然木酢液 分為三大種類,復育農耕地力、環境及肌膚清潔,透過卡榫結構固定,方便使用後將包裝材料分解並進行回收,將樹木紋理轉化為線條美感於封套上,瓶器視覺與產品屬性做呼應。

The natural wood vinegar, derived from tree pruning, is categorized into three main types: soil revitalization for agriculture, environmental cleansing, and skincare. It features a dovetail structure for easy disassembly and recycling of packaging materials after use. The packaging sleeve showcases linear aesthetics inspired by tree textures, while the visual design of the bottle corresponds with the product's attributes.

Arboriculture Journal

將樹木最普遍發生的健康問題分為三冊做 介紹,分別為病蟲害、地形、人為,幫助 民眾深入了解樹木的健康危機,進而關懷 身邊的樹木。


We have divided the most common health issues of trees into three volumes for discussion: diseases and pests, terrain, and human factors. This segmentation aims to help the public gain a deeper understanding of tree health crises, encouraging them to care for the trees around them.

新章 — 地形篇


New Chapter - Terrain

Exploring the Principle of Right Tree, Right Place

守護 — 人為篇



Guardianship - Human Factors

The Plight of Trees in Urban Areas

蛻變 — 病蟲篇



Metamorphosis — Diseases and Pests

Introduction to Common Tree Diseases and Pests


Witnessing the importance of tree health in this feature, we urge for collective efforts to protect trees and achieve environmental sustainability. Through research and investigation, we deepen our understanding of arboriculture, recognizing the ecological responsibilities borne by each tree. Natural prevention and wood recycling honor the environment, promising for future generations, and collectively bringing more greenery to the Earth, realizing a symbiotic relationship between humans and nature.
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